• 4 Ways to Use Stunning Matte Paintings

    Posted on by C Chow in Video Editing, Video Production | Comments Off on 4 Ways to Use Stunning Matte Paintings

    Fig 1. Hope short film starring Chris Public and Mindy Eklove This blog will explain how I used the incredible technique of matte painting and applied it to my shots to achieve a different effect each time in order to help tell the story. I’ve been working on several visual effects shots for a few projects over the past year. I am currently wrapping up a short film about a mother who fights against all odds to save her dying daughter, check out our page to learn more. Here’s a basic run down of achieving this effect: A) Controlled Movements. Therefore, no extravagant camera work where it’s panning or moving around a lot. Once you have taken your shot, you will need to track it. The matte painting technique will usually be done in 2D , so the tracking data can be collected via softwares like Mocha. You can also use the integrated tool from Adobe After Effects named “Track Motion”. Sometimes, …