• What is the RED camera?

    Posted on by azure in Recent News, Video Production | No Comments

    (image credits: http://www.motu.com/video-products) The RED camera is a high performance digital camera that offers the same quality as 35mm film. It allows the shooting of professional-looking films without the budget one would normally require, allowing anyone with a spare $25,000 to become a movie maker. The camera is produced by the Red Digital Cinema Camera Company and allows for the same depth of field and angle of view as 35 mm because of the size of its CMOS (complimentary metal-oxide semiconductor) sensor, which is called The Mysterium. The first Red camera introduced in 2006 was called the Red One and it weighs only 10 pounds. The Red camera’s Mysterium offers 4520 x 2540 pixels and an over 66db signal to noise ratio, while the camera has a high quality 4k capture. Films and Reception In the UK, one very low-budget film called Skyline, a massive alien invasion epic, was filmed …